Custom Inlays inlays can be made in any wooden item, whether to decorate your own house, for instance with an inlay table as a display item or as a gift, for instance an inlay box to hold precious memories. With an inlay, each item becomes more precious because of the thought that went into acquiring it, whether as a decor item and talking point, or as a gift for someone special.

Have you ever considered an inlay chess board, to display your special chess set or a winning set up?

How about a special memories box for each child, to hold those memories that pass so quickly at the time but are so precious to look back on?

And then there are time capsules, that often get buried in the ground. You don’t need to bury it to create your own time capsule, whether for your older self or for your children, holding special memories of a certain time in your life. An inlaid love capsule box could hold all the memories of your early courtship and wedding, for looking back on in years to come.

A special Christmas or birthday or anniversary box will be even more precious with an inlay and can be used on each subsequent year. Christmas Eve boxes have become a tradition in many households, holding items that help start the Christmas magic each year.

And then bigger items can also have inlays, bedroom furniture, beautiful drawers and display cabinets, all look even more precious with a complementary inlay, showing your aesthetic taste.